I am encouraged to see that our state of New York is starting the re-opening process, even if it is slow and in phases.
Beginning Sunday, June 14th, we will have 1 Sunday morning service of no more than 70 people (which is 25% of the auditorium capacity. Attendees will be asked to wear a mask when entering and exiting the church. Masks may be removed once they are seated. Attendees will also need to have 6’ of separation between family groups. If you are over 65 or have health conditions that would put you at an elevated risk level, we would recommend that you continue to stay home and watch or listen to the service online. This way, we will be able to comply with the New York State regulations and continue to protect the health of those in our congregation that may be more susceptible to the COVID-19 virus. As attendance numbers and other restrictions are lessened, I will make you aware of the changes moving forward. Thank you for your cooperation and your prayers as we seek to move forward with wisdom and trust in the Lord.
I also wanted to make you aware that I am continuing to post Sunday messages in several places. If you are someone who will be continuing to shelter at home, I want to encourage you to watch these as a way to continue to worship our Lord. I am posting these videos several places and have attached links to the pages: The Church Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/HBCElmira/ ) which can be accessed even in you do not have a Facebook account, my Youtube page (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrerAgveGom3vE8EwD1bb-Q?view_as=subscriber ), our church website (https://hbcelmira.org/?page_id=145 video and audio). I am also able to make audio cd copies of the messages for those who need them. If you need a copy of the cd, please let me know and I will contact you for the best way to get these to you.
I am praying for you as we face these challenges together!
In Christ,
Pastor Jeremiah